Garden PlantsScented Plants

Why is Raat Ki Rani Plant Not Flowering?

Raat ki rani (night-blooming jasmine) belongs to the Solanaceae family and is native to South Asia. The other common name for raat ki rani is queen of night. This plant is popular for its flowers and fragrance. Night-blooming jasmine has beautiful small white colors flowers that bloom in clusters.

The plant gives an attractive look with dark green leaves and white flowers. Raat ki rani produces fragrance in the evening and night and also attracts pollinators. Raat ki rani starts blooming in spring and continues throughout summer.

If you have raat ki rani plant in your garden and it is not blooming and you are thinking why raat ki rani plant not flowering? Then this article will be helpful for you. There are many factors that might be affecting your plant and it is not flower. Let’s get started!

Why Raat Ki Rani Plant Not Flowering?

Lack of Sunlight:

The plant will not give flowers if it does not receive the proper sunlight. Raat ki rani grows successfully in full-day sunlight. Make sure that night-blooming jasmine receives 6 hours of sunlight daily.


Watering is an important factor in flowering because if you are watering less the plant will not give flowers and the same for overwatering. If the plant is healthy then it will start flowering. The formula for watering is just to maintain the moisture in the soil. You can check the moisture level by fingers and if you feel the upper soil is dry then you should water if it has enough moisture then there is no need of watering. In summer mostly there is a need to water daily.


Pruning is the second important factor in getting more flowers from raat ki rani. Most people do not prune them which decreases flowering. If you prune the spent flowers it will encourage more blooms. Only do pruning of branches in dormancy period. Pruning branches in the growing season will affect the flowering.

Lack of Nutrients:

Flowering plants need more nutrients as compared to non-flowering plants. Use fertilizers with higher amounts of potassium because flowering plants need more potassium. NPk 5-15-45 is best for raat ki rani and use this fertilizer in the growing season only. Decomposed cow manure can also be used to provide nutrients to plants. Use cow manure at the start of the spring season.

Root bounding:

Raat ki rani will not give flowers if its roots are bound. Root bounding only happens if you have planted in containers or pots. This is because lack of space roots does not have enough space and start too bound. The solution to this problem is to repot your plant in the larger pot. Repotting of the raat ki rani plant should be done in the growing season. Use fresh well-draining soil and make sure that the new pot has drainage holes. Repoting of raat ki rani plant should be done after 2 years.

Stress on Plants:

Environmental stress such as extreme temperature or sudden change in temperature can cause stress on raat ki rani plants. If the plant is under stress then it can stop flowering. There are other factors also which cause plants to go under stress including long drought periods, poor air circulation, and over-watering.


Raat ki rani is a popular flowering plant and it is easy to grow. If your raat ki rani plant is not there are many factors which include lack of sunlight, watering, pruning, nutrient deficiency, root bounding, and stress on plants. By addressing these factors your raat ki rani plant will start flowering.


Q1: Why is my raat ki rani plant not flowering?

There are many factors which include Lack of sunlight, improper watering, and environmental stress are common reasons.

Q2: How much sunlight does a raat ki rani plant need?

Raat ki rani plants grow successfully in full sunlight. Plant should receives 6 hours of sunlight daily to bloom properly.

Q3: When should I prune my raat ki rani plant to encourage flowering?

Prune spent flowers to encourage more blooms. Avoid pruning during the growing season as it may affect flowering.

Q4: Which fertilizer is best for raat ki rani plants?

Fertilizer NPK 5-15-45 is recommended for raat ki rani plants. Apply fertilizer during the growing season only.

Q5: How often should I repot my raat ki rani plant?

Repot raat ki rani plant every 2 years during the growing season to prevent root binding. Use fresh, well-draining soil and ensure the new pot has drainage holes.

Amoos Jacob

Born into an agricultural family, deeply rooted in the traditions of farming and gardening. Graduated in mass communication and have certification in creative writing. I have writing experience of more than two years.